Mang theo gì khi đi cắm trại


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
Where would someone typically set up camp?
a In a city
b In a backyard
c In a park
d Outdoors
Question 2:
Where can one find fresh air?
a Next to the city
b In the outdoors
c Inside a city
d Away from the outdoors
Question 3:
Where does food taste better?
a At a campsite
b At home
c In a restaurant
d On a trip
Question 4:
Which item do you need to camp properly?
a Hiking boots
b A compass
c Insect repellent
d A tent
Question 5:
What makes a good camping tent?
a It should be as large as possible
b It must be tough and durable
c It must be comfortable in all weather
d It should fold up easily
Question 6:
What can you use a knife for when you camp?
a To create tinder for a fire
b To cut rope
c To chop up vegetables for a meal
d To mark a tree
Question 7:
What should you not assume when you camp?
a That you will find a spot
b That fresh water will be present
c That you will not be near insects
d That you will be alone
Question 8:
What is one use of water when camping?
a It disinfects
b It keeps bugs away
c It can be used for cleaning
d It can be used for fuel
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