Ở rạp chiếu phim


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
Where did I go after getting my ticket scanned?
a The coatroom
b My seat
c The bar
d The theater
Question 2:
What was on the coatroom stamp?
a My row number
b My seat number
c My coat number
d The price of wine
Question 3:
How much did the glass of wine cost?
a $15
b $11
c $8
d $20
Question 4:
Where did I go after the lights dimmed?
a The coatroom
b My seat
c The bar
d The theater
Question 5:
What row did I sit in?
a 15
b 11
c 8
d 20
Question 6:
What seat did I sit in?
a 15
b 11
c 8
d 20
Please answer all questions about the text:
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