Khởi nghiệp kinh doanh


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
When he started his business, how old was he?
a 11
b 9
c 6
d 8
Question 2:
What services did he provide with his business?
a Garden services
b Car services
c Food services
d Education services
Question 3:
How much did the lawnmower cost?
a $100
b $5 per hour
c $25 per hour
d 20 hours
Question 4:
How did he feel about the lawnmower?
a He regretted buying it.
b He wanted to take it to college.
c He thought it was a good investment.
d He threw it away.
Question 5:
What did he study in college?
a Agriculture
b History
c Science
d Landscaping
Question 6:
As an adult, how much did he charge for his services?
a $5 per hour
b $25 per hour
c $30 per hour
d He didn't charge anything
Please answer all questions about the text:
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