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Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
Where is a good area to view the fall colors in the trees?
a The west coast
b The south
c New England
d The southwest.
Question 2:
What chemical causes the green color in leaves?
a Carotenoid
b Chlorophyll
c Xanthophyll
d Anthocyanin
Question 3:
Which compound breaks down first?
a The green chlorophyll
b The yellow xanthophyll
c The red anthocyanin
d The orange carotenoid
Question 4:
Photosynthesis is the chemical process that converts what into food for plants?
a Water
b Oxygen
c Bugs
d Sunlight
Question 5:
What causes the chlorophyll to break down?
a Too much rainfall
b Too little rainfall
c Hot weather
d Shorter days
Question 6:
Tourists are important because they:
a Leave litter behind them.
b Spend a lot of money on vacation.
c Never know where they're going.
d Can be very obnoxious.
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