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Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
Where is the train going? to Notre Dame; around the river; to Porte d'Auteuil; over a bridge; Result: to Porte d'Auteuil
Question 2:
What does the narrator need? new walking shoes; special glasses; a key; a ticket; Result: a ticket
Question 3:
How does the narrator feel? lucky and confident; sad and pessimistic; happy and hungry; angry and resentful; Result: lucky and confident
Question 4:
Where is the narrator going? to Central Park; on a plane; to school; to Roland Garros; Result: to Roland Garros
Question 5:
What does the narrator imagine? having a good meal; holding a ticket; meeting friends; enjoying the day at home; Result: holding a ticket
Question 6:
How do you enter Roland Garros? through admission gates; through a park; over a fence; by train; Result: through admission gates
Please answer all questions about the text:
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