Ngày lễ yêu thích của tôi


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
What is the author's favorite holiday?
a Easter
b Birthday
c Christmas
d Thanksgiving
Question 2:
How does she start the Christmas season?
a By going shopping
b By putting up the Christmas tree
c By buying gifts
d By sending cards
Question 3:
What hangs at the top of the Christmas tree?
a A star
b An angel
c Holly
d Ornaments
Question 4:
What gift will her parents and grandparents receive?
a A remote control car
b Portraits
c Money
d Clothing
Question 5:
Which of these is NOT on her son's Christmas list?
a Clothes for school
b A basketball hoop
c A remote control car
d Video games
Question 6:
What does the author NOT like about Christmas?
a Stress
b Noise
c Spending so much money
d Weather
Please answer all questions about the text:
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