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Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
Who introduced Brad to Denise?
a His mom
b His friends
c No one
d The waiter
Question 2:
How does Brad describe Denise?
a Smart
b Kind
c Quiet
d Excited
Question 3:
What is Denise doing on Saturday?
a Going on a date
b Seeing a movie
c Working
d Calling Brad
Question 4:
When is Brad and Denise’s date?
a Saturday
b Sunday
c Monday
d Tuesday
Question 5:
What time is Brad picking up Denise?
a 6:00
b 7:00
c 8:00
d 9:00
Question 6:
What text did Brad send Denise?
a A heart
b His phone number
c His address
d A smiley face
Please answer all questions about the text:
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