Đó là một ngày tuyết rơi


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
When it snows, I like to look out…
a My window
b The front door
c In the yard
d At the birds
Question 2:
What do I build with my family outside?
a A sled
b Snowflakes
c Snowmen
d A fire
Question 3:
When does it snow at my house?
a Winter
b Summer
c Spring
d Fall
Question 4:
During the winter, it gets really…
a Hot
b Dry
c Wet
d Cold
Question 5:
What do we use our sled for?
a To slide down hills on the snow
b Make snowmen
c Pick up snow
d Watch the snow
Question 6:
What are snowmen?
a Snowflakes
b People we make out of the snow
c A sled
d When it gets really cold
Please answer all questions about the text:
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