Bóng chày


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
At what age can a child start to play baseball?
a Five years
b Seven years
c Ten years
d Children cannot play baseball
Question 2:
What is a tee?
a A bat
b A special kind of ball
c A stick with a place for the ball
d A score sheet
Question 3:
Why do kids use a tee?
a It makes the ball harder to hit
b There is no one to throw the ball
c It makes the ball harder to catch
d It is hard for them to hit the ball if it is thrown to them
Question 4:
What base do you first run to when you hit the ball?
a Home
b First
c Third
d You don't run to a base
Question 5:
How many bases are there in baseball?
a Two
b Four
c Six
d Eight
Question 6:
If you run all the way to home base, what does that mean?
a You have won the game
b You have scored a run
c You are out
d The game is over
Question 7:
What are baseball scores usually like?
a They are low
b They are high
c They use even numbers only
d They use odd numbers only
Please answer all questions about the text:
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