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Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
What kind of restaurant did Paul and Sandra go to?
a a fast food restaurant
b a steak restaurant
c a pizza restaurant
d an Italian restaurant
Question 2:
What did Paul and Sandra order to drink?
a soda for Paul and beer for Sandra
b water for Paul and orange juice for Sandra
c beer for Paul and water for Sandra
d beer for Paul and orange juice for Sandra
Question 3:
What kind of steaks did Paul and Sandra order?
a two eight-ounce steaks
b two twenty-ounce steaks
c two twelve-ounce steaks
d two eighteen-ounce steaks
Question 4:
What was wrong with Sandra's order?
a she got coleslaw when she wanted green beans
b she got green beans when she wanted corn
c she got mashed potatoes when she wanted green beans
d she got green beans when she wanted a salad
Please answer all questions about the text:
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