Going to work in the morning


Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
When does he wake up every morning?
a At exactly 6:00 AM
b Early in the morning
c After the morning rush hour
d Late in the morning
Question 2:
How is driving during the morning rush hour?
a Not very enjoyable
b It’s classical
c Not as much fun as walking
d It’s relaxing
Question 3:
Which kind of music CD’s does he enjoy listening to in the car?
a Heavy metal
b Jazz
c Classical
d Disco
Question 4:
How long might the evening drive back home take? Less than the drive in the morning; Around 70 minutes; 70 kilometers; 50 minutes; Result: Around 70 minutes
Question 5:
What else does he think he could even do if he took a train to work?
a Write a book
b Do crossword puzzles
c Sing songs
d Read a novel
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